Tillamook County Auxiliary Communications
Tillamook County Auxiliary Communications (AuxComm) is a component of Tillamook County Emergency Management. It’s task is to provide communications support to Emergency Management in the event of a natural or human caused disaster, special event, or during any activation of the County’s Emergency Operations Center in Tillamook or the local EOCs in North or South Tillamook County.
AuxComm also supports the daily operational pattern of Tillamook County Emergency Management by producing and facilitating training, providing input into strategic planning, and providing routine testing of the county’s amateur radio communications system. It is recognized that in response to emergency or disaster conditions the safety of the public, minimization of property damage, and incident stabilization are the primary objectives of the Emergency Management and, hence, of AuxComm.
It is the goal of Tillamook County that responses to such conditions are conducted in the most organized, efficient, and effective manner possible. To aid in accomplishing this goal, Tillamook County has adopted the principles of the National Incident Management System and the Incident Command System. These principles are reflected in this plan and are the basis for AuxComm operations.

The Mission of the Tillamook County AuxComm is to provide technically proficient communications support to Tillamook County’s Emergency Management and other local emergency response agencies and organizations.
A. This plan is a guide for how Tillamook County AuxComm responds to an emergency/disaster incident, a special event, any activation of the County Emergency Operations centers, or any other activation requested by the Emergency Manager (EM).
B. This plan identifies policy, objectives, and overall, high-level guidance for integrating and coordinating AuxComm activities including organizational structures, leadership and administrative processes, and facilities and equipment management.
C. This plan describes the relationship between Tillamook County Emergency Management and AuxComm.
D. This plan supports all radio communications including amateur band communications and official public safety band.
E. This plan applies Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES), as defined by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC Part 97, Section 407) and the Code of Federal Regulations (47 CFR 97.407) to the activities of the AuxComm.
F. This plan defines the relationship between AuxComm and all other users of the electromagnetic spectrum as regulated by the Federal Communications Commission.